Hames Sharley were asked to create a master plan that conveys Adventist Residential Care as a leader in retirement and aged services and takes advantage of the site assets and location through the firm’s understanding of residential architecture, master planning and urban design.
The result was an intelligently designed communal space that heavily focused on being legible and easy to navigate.
The design resulted in a centrally focused spine of activity and green encouraging a connection of spaces, both internally and externally. Succinctly, the proposed development makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and amenity of the locality, through the high-quality architectural design as well as redeveloping a currently underutilised site in a manner consistent with the overarching state and local planning framework.
The Australis Development at Rossmoyne Waters for Adventist care is the first stage of a wider master-planned development of this seniors housing site in Rossmoyne. The focus of Hames Sharley was to create a community place and spaces which encouraged residents to venture out of their apartments and interact with their neighbours and the environment.