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Hole in the wall gang … work on Gordon Matta-Clark’s Conical Intersect, 1975.
none November 26, 2019
Sledgehammer in hand, the intrepid artist and ‘anarchitect’ embarked on a perilous odyssey of urban deconstruction – clearing a path for generations to come before his death aged 35 Bare-chested and swinging high on a suspended platform in the vast interior space of a derelict steel-trussed warehouse on a New York pier, Gordon Matta-Clark, acetylene torch […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Plumber
none July 4, 2019
Many things define a peaceful home. However, the sound of water running in undesignated areas are a few comfort killers. As we approach the festive season, the last thing any homeowner wants to experience is the disturbing noise of water leakages. Going through the YouTube section of DIY, there are many videos of controlling leakages […]
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