The 2019 edition of the Festival of Architectures Vives received a very positive return share of the public, the frequentation of the festival is in broad increase with a number of visitors higher than 19,000 people.
The Festival des Architectures Vives aims at raising public awareness on the wide range of architecture. It seeks not only to highlight the work of a young generation of architects, landscape architects and urban planners but also to discover unexpected urban areas.
Many works allow interaction with visitors. Leaving no physical trace, the festival seeks to make an impression, to initiate a global reflection on architecture and its development in an existing urban context and finally, to create a dialogue between contemporary works and heritage. Mediators are present on each site. These mediators are students at the School of Architecture of Montpellier and they endeavour to strengthen the appreciation of the works of the visitors. The event is free reflecting the desire of opening architecture to the greatest number.
The FAV is organized by Elodie Nourrigat and Jacques Brion, architects in Montpellier.
Teams of the FAV 2019 Teams who create the ephemeral works are selected after a call for submissions launched in September. They come from France and from abroad countries.
– Program "Éducation Artistique et Culturelle": Rectorat-ENSAM-FAV
12 students from Montpellier's School of Architecture, ENSAM, and 4 primary schools: Jean Moulin, Jeanne d'Arc, Léo Malet, Saint-Exupéry from the Montpellier's Academy
- Transformé - Coralie Casanova et Thibaud BronchartParis, France
NOfish - Metrotope : Julien Plessis - Montrouge, France
NOfish - Metrotope : Julien Plessis - Montrouge, France
Arborescence Digitale - Pulpas Studio - Murcia, Espagne
Arborescence Digitale - Pulpas Studio - Murcia, Espagne
Éducation Artistique et Culturelle : Rectorat-ENSAM-FAVEcole Léo Malet, Classe de CM1/ CM2 +
ENSAM : TOUIL Zakaria - GESUALDI Salomé - RICHERT Juliette
Installation : Au fil du temps
Éducation Artistique et Culturelle : Rectorat-ENSAM-FAVEcole Jeanne d'Arc, Classe de CM1/CM2 +
ENSAM : GADOIS Florent - PICHON Charles - PROUVE Margaux
Installation : On dirait le Sud
Éducation Artistique et Culturelle : Rectorat-ENSAM-FAVEcole Jean Moulin : Classe de CM2 +
ENSAM : BITOUZET Claire - BROCQ Léa - PELOUX LolaInstallation : Lumignon
Cour d'eau et de fleurs - Kuma & Elsa - Paris, France
Cour d'eau et de fleurs - Kuma & Elsa - Paris, France
Everybody is beautiful - Thrace Design Studio - Richmond, Etats-Unis
Everybody is beautiful - Thrace Design Studio - Richmond, Etats-Unis
Transformé - Coralie Casanova et Thibaud Bronchart - Paris, France
Transformé - Coralie Casanova et Thibaud Bronchart - Paris, France