
Remodeling your home? designraid presents architecture and interior renovation projects by leading architects and designers that will guide you through your remodel.

Maison Soeur: A Post‐War Residence Transformed Into Two Twin Houses
April 27, 2020
As the house is a veterans' house, a typical dwelling in Montreal's working-class neighbourhoods in the 1950s, it was important to respect its architectural heritage. The challenge was to highlight the characteristic volumetry of this type of building while giving it a second life that better met the space needs of the new owners
The Burleigh Pavilion by Alexander &CO.
April 22, 2020
The Burleigh Pavilion at Burleigh Heads on Australia’s Gold Coast is an iconic beach ‘Pavilion’ structure built to provide shelter and amenity to bathers and surfers who flocked to the beaches when the ban on daytime ocean bathing was lifted in 1903
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