United States

Columbia (GSAPP) launches an architecture, culture and technology incubator at NEW INC.
none November 22, 2019
The Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation(GSAPP) inaugurates the GSAPP Incubator with its first season of members. The GSAPP Incubator is an initiative for the school’s alumni, providing a collaborative environment for exploring new ideas and developing innovative projects that encompass culture, technology and the city. The co-working space encourages discovery and […]
Architecture and the devil: ‘The Monster-Builder’ at Aurora
none November 22, 2019
The 'Monster-Builder', a play currently showing at Aurora Theatre in Berkeley, CA is mostly a comedy that interlaces cogent comments about post-modern architecture. The new comedy by nationally renowned Pulitzer Prize finalist Amy Freed is about a maniacal scheme of fantastical proportions lurks deep inside mega-architect Gregor Zubrowski’s post-modern steel and glass structures. His commanding […]
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