
To combat its terrible smog problem, Paris is banning all pre-1997 cars
July 4, 2019
Paris is trying desperately to combat pollution. The city announced that starting July 1st, all pre-1997 model automobiles and motorcycles registered before 2000 will be banned from driving in the city center during weekdays. By 2020, all cars will have to be registered after 2011 and The city will track the status of cars using […]
The modern, energetic and joyful designs of Atelier Sauvage are an ode to the generosity of life
none July 4, 2019
A few months ago, an inspired and magnetic new designer maker studio opened in Paris. Paul Demarquet and Albane Salmon joined their talents and dedication to develop an unencumbered, and cheerful line of products. Atelier Sauvage’s ambition is to deliver one-of-a-kind, hand-made, solid wood, nature inspired objects. Born and raised in the south of France, […]
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