5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Ideal Work-From-Home Space

5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Ideal Work-From-Home Space

Curated by Aline Chahine | 
April 26, 2023
| Est. Reading: 2 minutes

2020 has been a strange year. The COVID-19 pandemic took many of us out of our traditional office spaces and forced us to retreat into our homes as governments across the globe imposed lockdowns. The impact of these moves will certainly alter the way companies operate in the future, with large numbers of employers making greater moves towards remote working. Whether you are a freelancer or someone who’ll likely be working from home well into 2021, creating a space in your dream home that is conducive to productivity is an important investment in your future. Here are a few things that are worth considering when designing your ideal work for home space. 

5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Ideal Work-From-Home Space
Photo Credit: James McDonald (Unsplash)


Not all of us will be lucky enough to have a dedicated office room in our homes. Unfortunately, most of us will have to settle for setting up a small work station somewhere else in our home. If this you, don’t be disheartened. With just a little thought you should be able to create the perfect space - just be sure to select a spot that is relatively free of clutter and allows enough physical space to set up a necessary workstation. 

Desk and Chair

Most of us spend an awful lot of time working, so selecting the right desk and chair will be essential for your personal comfort. Make sure the desk has enough space to accommodate your computer and anything else you regularly use to do your job. Of course, a laptop will give you greater flexibility, but finding a height-adjustable desk is also a smart idea, especially for those who experience back and neck issues. 


In a time where most of us are making moves towards becoming ‘paperless’, it’s understandable that storage is often overlooked when designing a workspace. That said, having a tidy space really does have the potential to affect productivity, so be sure to factor in shelving and storage into the equation. This doesn’t have to be an expensive venture; using cost-effective materials like MDF can offer some great savings. 


Good lighting is a key factor when considering a home workspace. Ideally, you want to set your work station up somewhere with good natural light, facing a window and avoiding glare on the computer screen. If natural light is lacking in your home, think about overhead ceiling lights or various lamps to help.

Keep the Tech In Check 

Finally, there is no point in making the effort to set up a work space only to have it cluttered by numerous cables and wires. Use wireless devices where possible and think about gathering loose wires together using a simple cord to keep things looking neat and tidy.

Taking the time to factor in these small considerations when designing your work space will be a great investment, not just in terms of your productivity, but also when it comes to adding value to your home. Furthermore, if you are putting the effort into improving your home, make sure you protect your investment by ensuring you have a good home insurance policy in place to protect your property and its contents.

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